5 Tips for Better Email Marketing

  October 28, 2008
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing
  Philip O'Hara
Eric Brantner SEO Content Writer When most people hear the term email marketing, they associate it with spam. While I’ve certainly waded through my fair share of spam emails, true email marketing is anything but spam. In fact, with the CAN-SPAM Act real email marketers are taking additional steps to ensure they’re not spamming anyone. If done properly, email marketing...

Using Web Copywriting to Separate Your Company from Competitors

  October 27, 2008
  Category :     SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting
  Directory One
Eric Brantner SEO Content Writer When writing copy for your website, the first thing you should ask yourself is “What separates my company from the competition?” While your first instinct might be something like customer service, that’s just not going to cut it. Every company says they have the best customer service. Your website visitors won’t be wowed by that....

Friday October 24th Internet Marketing Roundup

  October 24, 2008
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing
  Directory One
Eric Brantner SEO Content Writer   It’s Friday again, and that means it’s time to recap some of the best Internet marketing blog posts from the past week. This week, I’m going to change things up a little bit. Instead of using the old format, let’s use a Top 7 list (who doesn’t live lists?) So, here are the top...

SEO Website Analysis | Custom SEO Action Plan

  October 23, 2008
  Category :     Search Engine Optimization | SEO
  Philip O'Hara
by Herb Firestone Marketing Coordinator Did you know that you can request a free, no-obligation, no strings attached, SEO Website Analysis from any page on the main Directory One website? Similar to other SEO website evaluations, the Directory One SEO website analysis covers: On-page SEO Factors Site Architecture - CSS versus tables URL Structure - Do you have properly formated...

Want to Ruin Your Homepage? Here’s How!

  October 22, 2008
  Category :     SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting
  Directory One
Eric Brantner SEO Content Writer When people land on your homepage, what do they see? Does it make them want to move forward on your website to learn more about your company? Or does your homepage cause visitors to hit the “back” button? A great number of the homepages I come across seem to completely miss the mark. Rather than...