Internet Copyright Top 5 Tips

  December 9, 2012
  Category :     SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting
  Philip O'Hara
Internet copyright law is a large part of web content writing. How do I know? Well, I took a test this week so that I could add a certification to my credentials as a professional web copy writer. I’ll be honest, it didn’t go too well. It was a shock, because the last test I flunked was a differential equations...

Microsites To The Point

  December 2, 2012
  Category :     Domains
  Philip O'Hara
"Microsites are a good way to build business." You’ve probably heard this line before, usually from web marketers that want to build you some new websites. You’re rather skeptical because you might think that building business translates to revenue enhancement for the web marketing firm. Before you totally eliminate building a microsite, you should consider what the smaller site can...

Writing Great Website Content – 8 Tips for Converting Clicks to Sales

  November 4, 2012
  Category :     SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting
  Philip O'Hara
Great website content doesn't shortchange your visitor. If your potential customers can’t find what they are looking for, they won’t be back. If they don’t think that they will benefit from your product or service, the browser search box will be very busy. The primary purpose of having a website is to engage current and would-be clients. You want them...

Business Blogging – A Way To Attract Customers

  November 1, 2012
  Category :     Blogging | SEO Blogging
  Philip O'Hara
Blogs and blogging have become household words nowadays. For those of you who have absolutely no idea, blogs are places on the internet where the blogger (writer) publishes opinions and/or information frequently. Companies can’t afford to overlook the power of blogging in their marketing strategy. Why? The internet is usually your first place to make an impression on a potential...

Website Content Writing | Avoiding Cyberspace Black Holes

  October 13, 2012
  Category :     SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting
  Philip O'Hara
Website content writing is hard work. Your creative juices are flowing, but it seems like little things such as keywords, site maps, links, tags, and various other search engine optimization (SEO) considerations keep getting in the way. After all, you do have a vision of your completed masterpiece. You may be new to content writing, or maybe not. You may...