The Importance of Expert SEO Writers

  January 4, 2013   Category :     SEO Content Writing |SEO Copywriting   Philip O'Hara

What makes some websites appear at the top of the results section in Google, Yahoo, or Bing, while other websites are stuck on the tenth page? How do search engines decide the order in which websites are presented in the search results?

While the ranking of your website depends on many factors, it is heavily contingent on the quality of the web content of your site. Search engines measure how relevant your web content is to your website’s purpose. Therefore, search engine optimized web content determines whether your website appears in the results section of a relevant keyword search. For example, Dayna’s Doggy Daycare center would like to show up in the results section when someone searches “dog sitting” or “dog care center” into Google. Without proper SEO web content, your business may not even appear, meaning potential customers will choose to go to your competitor out of ignorance.

Moreover, it takes more that just relevant web content to be successful on the internet; one also needs to be listed on the first two pages of the search results to attract visitors. When is the last time you searched past the first page of Google search results? How about the second? The third? Most web users don’t look past the first 10 search results!

Search Engine Optimization Services: SEO Writers

So how do you get proper SEO web content? Luckily, a search engine marketing company such as Directory One can help!

Directory One writes SEO web content among providing other search engine optimization services. Our trained SEO writers can either write the SEO web content for your website or simply improve the existing content. Some of our search engine optimization services also include optimized routine articles and optimized blogs.

For over 20 years, our search engine marketing company has helped improve the visibility of businesses by improving traffic to our clients’ websites. Call 713.465.0051 to learn more about how our SEO writers and search engine optimization services can help you!

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