Social Network Marketing is About To Get A Lot Easier

  May 13, 2008   Category :     Social Networking   Directory One

Author: Conrad Salvador

Web Copywriter

Social networking marketers have long been vying for an answer to all of their wrong password woes. With social networks popping up everywhere you look, so has the need for easy accessibility amongst multiple platforms. All this is about to change, because the age of data portability is now upon us.

MySpace, Facebook, and Google have all recently tossed their hat into the data portability ring with each one trying to outdo each other and looking to come out the victor.

Just last Thursday, My Space launched the “Data Availability” initiative, which allows users to share their profile information with the websites of their choosing around the web. MySpace users will be able to share content like profile information, friends, photos, and videos. Here is an example of how the data sharing will look like when applied in Twitter:

The very next day in a well-timed announcement, Facebook spoke of their own version of data availability dubbed “Facebook Connect”. It will offer the same services as its competitors, but boasts of a more trusted authentication process for users. How convenient is it that this pre-release announcement came out right before the launch of Google’s own offering confusingly titled “Friend Connect”.

A preview release of Google Friend Connect was launched just last night, which placed you on a waiting list for the services. Friend Connect claims to offer something that the others do not, which is the ability to turn any website into a social network. Website owners will be able to generate traffic by enabling their site to provide social features for all its visitors.

Here is a video introduction of how it all works:

Adding Google Friend Connect Video

It is still too early to predict who will win the data portability wars, but one thing is for certain. Social networking marketing is about to get a lot easier in the future. The arduous process of creating several profiles across multiple platforms will no longer be a difficult task. I’m curious to see how everything will turn out, stay tuned for more information………

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