Social Networking

This Week in Internet Marketing: 6-27-08

  June 27, 2008
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing,   Social Networking
  Directory One
Author : Henry Adaso Internet Copywriter News, events, and happenings around the internet marketing universe this week. Google Launches Google Trends for Websites Google didn't wait for the buzz to simmer on Google Trends before launching the Google Trends for Websites, a variation of the original tool. What's the difference, you ask. Whereas regular Google Trends allows you to see...

7 Reasons Why No One Diggs You

  June 26, 2008
  Category :     Social Networking
  Directory One
Author : Henry Adaso Internet Copywriter Talk to any savvy web marketer and they'll tell you that social networking is all the rave these days. As the popularity of social networking grows, so does Digg's status as one of the preferred vessels of social media marketing. Digg users are often trying to establish a presence on several social media sites....

What Does LinkedIn’s $1 Billion Network Mean for Your Online Business?

  June 18, 2008
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing,   Social Networking
  Directory One
Author: Henry Adaso SEO Copywriter If you think you've heard the last of the social media gold rush, think again. LinkedIn, the largest business social networking site, has raised $53 million for its European expansion effort which brings the company's total estimated value to slightly over $1 billion. That's good and all, but what does that mean to the rest...

The Intangible Benefits of Social Networking

  May 20, 2008
  Category :     Social Networking
  Directory One
Author: Eric Brantner Online Content Writer Businesses that purchase online marketing services want to know how their campaign is performing. They are spending money on a service, and they want to know how it is benefiting them. Typically, the search marketer will come up with some stats on rankings, conversions, and sales generated. However, not everything is black and white....

Social Network Marketing is About To Get A Lot Easier

  May 13, 2008
  Category :     Social Networking
  Directory One
Author: Conrad Salvador Web Copywriter Social networking marketers have long been vying for an answer to all of their wrong password woes. With social networks popping up everywhere you look, so has the need for easy accessibility amongst multiple platforms. All this is about to change, because the age of data portability is now upon us. MySpace, Facebook, and Google...