Twitter Social Networking

Social Media Marketing: Why Just “Being There” is Not Enough

  September 2, 2009
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing,   Social Media Marketing | Social Networking,   Social Networking,   Twitter Social Networking,   Video Marketing
  Philip O'Hara
  You’ve probably heard that you have to have a presence on Facebook and Twitter. You’ve probably also heard a success story or two about some lucky business and the YouTube video that put them on the map.  But is social media some sort of magic tonic that will instantly help your business get more customers? Is it really as...

Social Media Marketing: Avoiding Culture Shock

  August 19, 2009
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing,   Social Media Marketing | Social Networking,   Social Networking,   Twitter Social Networking
  Philip O'Hara
There’s a statistic that’s floating around Powerpoint presentations these days that points out that if the population of Facebook were an actual country, it would be the fourth-largest in the world . A stunning statistic – and one that can help me illustrate a point. You’d do well to treat entering the world of Facebook or Twitter much like you...

What is Social Media Marketing? An Overview

  August 13, 2009
  Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing,   Search Engine Optimization | SEO,   Social Media Marketing | Social Networking,   Social Networking,   Twitter Social Networking
  Philip O'Hara
In the weeks to come, I’ll open up my playbook and share tips & social media marketing strategies. In this first installment my social media marketing blog, I want to begin with an overview of what is possible for businesses utilizing social media marketing on social networks. Social Media: What is it? Before getting down & dirty in terminology; let’s...

The Ultimate Twitter Starting Point

  March 5, 2009
  Category :     Twitter Social Networking
  Philip O'Hara
According to during the month of February, 2009 Twitter had 54,218,731 visitors, 5,979,052 unique visitors and although it would be difficult to measure, probably around the same number of Twitter evangelists singing its praises. If you are one of the many straddling the fence so to speak, it’s time to take action and make your move. There absolutely must...