5 Emergency Copywriting Tips for an Ailing Business Blog

  June 10, 2008   Category :     Blogging | SEO Blogging   Directory One

Copywriting Tips

Author: Henry Adaso
SEO Copywriter

You’ve heard that old saying “You only have 11 seconds to capture a web reader’s attention,” right? Well, I have some good news and some bad news about that age-old sentiment.

The bad news is, that time frame may have even shortened lately, following the emergence of millions of websites and blogs offering the same old solutions to the same old issues. Reading on the web may have enhanced communication between marketers and consumers, but with over 75 million blogs in existence and 120,000 new blogs being created every day, standing out from the crowd has never seemed more difficult.

The good news: there are still proven ways to get magical results on your business blog. Copywriting breakthrough is not unattainable, if you know how to navigate the rapidly expanding web world. Learning the tricks of SEO copywriting can help you gain higher conversion rates.

Practice headline research – Doing a headline research can make all the difference when it comes to niche blogging. If your headline is bland and uninspiring, your business prospect might never get a chance to learn about your products no matter how groundbreaking. Scour top social media sites like Digg and Sphinn to see which headlines are constantly making it to the homepage. For example, “How Tos” or instructional articles that add value to the reader’s experience will surely get you some attention.

Form a brainstorming group – Team up with your colleagues to come up with copywriting ideas. You may not find the magic bullet on the first go. In fact, many of your brainstorming ideas will end up in the proverbial garbage can. Still, you have a better chance of striking gold when you mine other people’s intellectual resources.

Dig deeper – Have you had a personal experience that relates to your topic? Don’t hesitate to share it with your prospects. Your story is unique to you and you alone. No one can tell it like you can. Ultimately, taking the personal approach allows you to connect directly with your consumers.

Subscribe to blogs, newsfeeds, and magazines in your niche – You’ll be amazed by how much content ideas you can discover by sign up for newsletters and RSS feeds in your field. Subscribing to most feeds only takes a few minutes, but the benefits to your business can be tremendous.

Let the reader decide – If all else fails, try a democratic-style blogging — of the readers, by the readers, and for the readers. There are so many ways to do this without turning your blog into spam central.

  1. Ask a question (e.g. What’s Your Favorite Xbox game?) and unlock the experts in your readers
  2. Ask for guest submissions from consumers or other experts in your field.
  3. Turn user correspondence into an article. If a prospective customer writes you with a question, chances are there are other users with a similar concern. Why not address the issue on your business blog so that everyone benefits from your insight?

Good copywriting is not just about creative content. Any Internet-savvy marketer can write effective website copy. It’s about delivering valuable ideas to your consumers in a personable tone. When you find yourself running into a brainstorming firewall, don’t despair — reach out to your co-workers for content ideas, dig deep within for a personal angle, or simply embrace your consumers.

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