What Should You Do With Negative Blog Comments?

  September 2, 2008   Category :     Blogging | SEO Blogging   Directory One

Eric Brantner
SEO Content Writer

Being a blogger can be a difficult task. Every day, you have to put yourself out there. If you do it long enough, you’re bound to say something that upsets a few people. It’s part of the gig. Blogging is about expressing your opinions on a subject. Unless you constantly play it safe, someone will disagree with you sooner or later.

This raises the question of how to deal with negative comments on your blog. Comments are the lifeblood of your blog. They are the instant feedback that keeps you communicating with your audience. So, what should you do if someone leaves a negative comment on your blog?

Here are a few ways you can handle the situation.

  • Engage the Commentator- Just because someone leaves a negative comment doesn’t mean you should ignore them. If the commentator argues against the point you made in your post, consider engaging them. There’s nothing wrong with a healthy debate. Keep your comment civil, and make your point in a clear, concise manner. Address their points respectfully, and ask them questions. Even if they don’t agree with you, they will certainly have more respect for you if you have an orderly debate with them.
  • Send an Email- Sometimes, talking to the person who left the negative comment is best done in private. If you feel a commentator left a remark that was out of line, maybe you should send them an email letting them know your feelings. Simply tell them you believe their comment crossed the line and it doesn’t contribute to the community. Remember, they will pay attention to how you handle the situation. If you’re professional and polite, you’ve done your part.
  • Ignore the Comment- Let’s face it- some people are internet tough guys. They love to go to blogs to stir the pot. We call these people trolls. Their whole purpose is to try to start online fights. If you see a comment that’s obviously from a troll, you can choose to ignore it. Other readers will recognize the commentator for who they really are, and it won’t hurt your image to ignore them.
  • Let the Community Handle It- If you have a strong reader base, most of the time they’ll come to your defense long before you get a chance. One system I think is particularly effective is the voting system. Many blogs now have it to where members of the community can vote a comment up or down. If you have a system like this in place, your readers will give the negative comment the down votes it might deserve.
  • Learn from the Comment- Not all negative comments are from people trying to bait you into a fight. Sometimes, these comments occur because you’re wrong. Making mistakes is part of being a blogger. At one point or another, we all stick our foot in our mouth. Learn from your mistakes, and create better content.

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