Witnessing History in Internet Marketing

  June 4, 2008   Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing   Philip O'Hara

Author: April Hall

Internet Copywriter

If you were anywhere around a television, radio or newspaper for the past few months, then you already know that it has been a historic time in American history as the first woman and African-American candidate vied to become the Nominee of the Democratic Party. It has been a truly whirlwind ride as Americans of all walks of life have had the incredible opportunity to be a part of history in the making.

As I watched the events unfold with my two young children (and tried to convince them that the speeches we were listening to in person and on the television were more important than the Dora show they were missing) I got to thinking how much our world is changing in so many ways; in politics, in social interactions, and in technology. Who would have though thirty years ago that companies could use the “magic” of computers to instantly advertise and reach a targeted group of consumers?

Modern technology seems so natural for those of us involved in internet marketing–do some keyword research, create fresh and high quality content, study search engine practices and new SEO techniques, and eventually we will build a successful internet campaign. But when we stop to think about it, we will all realize just what an amazing tool we have in internet marketing. In decades past, an advertising campaign meant creating flashy,catchy ads and using print and television media to reach customers who may or may not be interested in your products or services. Much of it was hit and miss.

Now, web development companies hire SEO staff who can use precise and targeted techniques to make the most of every advertising dollar with a few keystrokes. We may all be unimpressed with the rise of internet technology (particularly those who have spent our entire adult lives enjoying its benefits), but a moment or two of reflection may lead us to a greater appreciation of this element of technology.

So, as we all continue to bear witness to this moment in our history as a nation and as a world, it is befitting to also recognize the development of internet technology and how that affects how modern companies run. For those of you who would like a brief history of the internet, check out his easy-to-understand video of Ethan Zuckerman (during which I learned email began way back in 1965!):

History of Internet – Ethan Zuckerman

Isn’t it exciting to know we are a part of internet marketing history, as well?

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