How do boosted posts on Facebook work?

  March 25, 2016   Category :     Social Media Marketing | Social Networking   Directory One

When you are managing your Facebook ‘likes’ page, have you noticed the option to boost a post? Boosted posts aim to increase your reach count for a specific post. A Facebook “reach” means that someone saw your post. Facebook allows you to specify a budget in accordance to the number of people you want to reach. By using boosted posts on Facebook, more people will be able to see your post as they scroll through their newsfeed.

Boosted posts and the decrease of organic reach

In an article for Social Media examiner, Emeric Ernoult explains that an organic reach is the reach that Facebook gives you with no charge. Organic reach, Ernoult adds, primarily occurs in newsfeeds, with lesser concentrations of reach occurring when people scroll through your page posts.

Olsy Sorokina further notes in her blog that Facebook has reduced the organic reach capability for brand pages as a way to balance “personal vs commercial content” in newsfeeds. A boosted post will allow your post to be appear higher up in people’s newsfeeds, which helps increase your post reach volume.

You can set your budget for boosted posts.

Boosted Posts vs Promoted posts

It is important to distinguish boosted posts from promoted posts. A boosted post gives you the option to increase the reach to people who like your page, their friends, and the people you choose through targeting. In an article for Business 2 Community, Ann Smarty points out that while both promoted and boosted posts aim to make your posts more visible to viewers, the difference is that promoted posts give you more control over targeting and budgeting. Promoted posts are better for people that have put more research in to finding their target audience.

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Directory One offers website marketing packages with social media management. For more information on social media marketing and management, visit our website or call us at 713-465-0051. We aim to keep our customers educated in the latest social media updates. For more breaking news, read our previous blog post and like our Facebook page.

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