Google Caffeine: The New Beta Google Search Engine

  August 26, 2009   Category :     SE Internet Marketing | SE Online Marketing   Philip O'Hara

Google Caffeine: The New Google Search Engine

For all of our valued Directory One clients who have come to rely upon our search engine optimization expertise, please note that there is some new excitement brewing in the search engine world!

We aim to always stay on top of what works best for our clients and as such, ensure that we are in the know regarding the latest and greatest as well as the classic optimization methods that have yet to die out in their supreme effectiveness for helping businesses reach the top of Internet search results.

If you are not yet a Directory One client and would like to know more, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 713-465-0051 and ensure that your business does not fall behind the tidal wave of Internet marketing success.

Internet Marketing News

Internet marketing news:  Have you heard about the latest search engine tool commonly referred to as Google Caffeine?  It is currently out on the public web.  This means that anyone with the teeniest bit of curiosity is welcome to jump into the new cyber space of Google’s new search engine and give it a try!

Of course, I was curious….more than just a little bit and so I tried it.

What did I discover??  Well, for one thing, it certainly is fast.  I didn’t use a stopwatch to time and compare it to the regular Google, however, I did blink and my search engine results appeared.

For the old Google, I entered the same term, discovered about 40,000 fewer results appeared, and that was after counting one-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand.  Okay, so these methods were not a state of the art comparison, but you get the idea…  The new Google search engine is definitely faster.

Some of the wonderful IT geeks out in cyberspace did an actual stopwatch timed test and found that the new search engine was specifically double the speed of the old Google search engine.  For those of us who are constantly researching data on the web, that means that we will be able to get all of our info twice as fast and this is not a small detail in enhancing productivity by any means!

They also tested it for accuracy, as did I.  With my search of the beta search engine, I was very pleased by the improved accuracy of the search engine results.  The tech geeks I am referencing were also pleased and noted that Bing was not even close to being as accurate as the Google search engines both were.  How is it that Microsoft still falls short even with all that capitol to back them up, I wonder??

To sum up, the new Google search engine, nicknamed Caffeine, is better with an increased amount of search engine result listings, is at least twice as fast and even more accurate than the old Google search engine the majority of the world has come to rely upon.

Perhaps the dawn of a new search engine age is upon us after all…..

Search Engine Optimization

To make sure that your company website is optimized for the new Google search engine and all others, please don’t delay in giving Directory One a call today!

We offer very unique, personal service to all of our clients and calling us now at 713-465-0051 will ensure that you too have a chance to achieve business growth while reaching potential customers that your competitors would prefer you are not targeting….

Directory One will provide your business with a targeted Internet marketing plan and help you climb the search engine optimization ladder of success.

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