The difficulty in creating copy for websites stems from having to balance two major, sometimes conflicting components involved in SEO content writing – quality and keywords. Effective search engine marketing means not only maximizing traffic to a website, but grabbing and retaining the attention of the searchers. (In sales terms, that typically translates into converting a high percentage of that traffic into customers.) Good website content achieves both objectives – utilizing strategic keywords delivers the traffic while high quality content engages the visitor


Quantity equals quality as far as keywords alone are concerned. Incorporating strategically selected keywords and phrases into the web code and littering them throughout the text alone will increase the traffic to a website regardless of the quality of the content. The quality of content does not matter that much if the searcher does not need much or any convincing after being directed to the product via keywords.

But keywords and quality come into direct conflict with each other when the content is needed to engross and grab the searcher’s attention after reaching the website. Having to proliferate the text with keywords for search engine marketing purposes can ultimately compromise the integrity of the content by disrupting the flow, being repetitive and making the writer seem less than professional. The keywords usually dictate the subject matter and overall theme of the content.

Besides engaging the visitor to the website, content quality does serve a search engine marketing purpose as well. High quality content increases the traffic and raises the ranking of the website on search engines in the long run by attracting links. The more links a website has, the higher it will rank on search engines such as Google.


The term “content is king” has been repeated so often that it is becoming as synonymous a cliché in search engine marketing as “location, location, location” is in real estate. In search engine marketing, though, the definition of high quality content – or content that generates high revenue – varies from website to website.

A website selling carburetors, for instance, requires minimal writing so there is rarely any conflict between keywords and quality. Driving potential customers to the website takes priority over everything else. High quality writing content is not necessary as decisions to buy or not buy are made by reading the price tag and little else. The only writing required for a website like this is listing the brand, model number and price of the items.

Attorneys’ websites, on the other hand, requires more than a price listing as far as writing content goes and good quality writing is needed to engage visitors. The content has to be compelling and persuasive to convince potential clients that their legal needs will be best met by this law firm. At the same time, even the most skillful rhetoric will do little to help the law firm’s bottom line if no traffic if directed to the site to read it.

This is where the tug of war between quality and keywords occurs in SEO content writing. Finding a happy medium between determining the right keywords to direct traffic to a website and then writing around those keywords to convert a decent percentage of that traffic into customers is a fine balancing act with which SEO writers often struggle. In search engine marketing, the best balance is the one that generates the most revenue.

Directory One will provide your company with a SEO content writing in Houston when you call them at 713-465-0051.

Talk to the Houston SEO content writing experts who are prepared to help your business succeed.